Badlands SAR is a private, non-profit, non-governmental organization that will respond to assist law enforcement (agency having jurisdiction) with searches for missing persons, cold cases, evidence searches, and support roles when requested. Utilizing the unified command model and National Incident Management System for uniform operations.
Further and simply put, we work FOR law enforcement and WITH fire/rescue and emergency medical services. It is of a team effort approach where all entities must possess the same goal; to bring the missing home.
We will also assist families in performing and conducting private search efforts but in doing so we wish to establish a point of contact with the agency of the case so as to keep them apprised and informed of any and all developments. We do this, so as to 1) provide loved ones with ample guidance and coordination of their private search efforts and 2) to assist the agency by maintaining a professional, organized, and single source removed from the family so as to allow for pertinent and sensitive information that may require discretion but still be useful in directing search efforts and resources.
Badlands SAR requires a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in order to satisfy liability and legalities. Our organization is fully-insured, however, in assisting a government agency, there must also be coverage to satisfy state law where our volunteer members are listed as "employees" for the single topic of workmen's compensation. Agencies can find this information listed as such in their state's laws under emergency disaster response.
Badlands SAR is open to MOU's signed for a set amount of time or for each incident or request for assistance.